Stephen Rhodes, owner of “Smokehouse Billiards” and an APA member himself, gave a warm welcome to APA during Wednesday-night’s “double jeopardy” in-house division, where teams play both APA 8-Ball and 9-Ball simultaneously. It was week 11 of the Spring Session, and the “Smokehouse” was buzzing with APA members doing what APA members love to do—play pool, have a drink or two, and have way too much fun with good friends and family. APA was able to corner Stephen, busy managing his pool hall and playing on his APA team, just long enough for a photo with League Operator and billiard legend (not necessarily in that order) Ewa Laurance.
APA also managed to snap a picture of APA members Jen Biron, Heather Lakatos, and Cyndy Sawyer, along with Miss Ewa herself as she is lovingly referred to by many of the players in the area. Before Cyndy was called off to compete in the 9-Ball side of her team’s double jeopardy division, she took a minute to explain her APA “family tree”, which includes her husband Bob and their three sons, all of whom have competed in several local APA pool leagues, including nearby Raleigh, Durham, Chapel-Hill APA of North Carolina. “The boys” came within one hill match of qualifying for the APA National Team Championship recently, and Cyndy was called in for moral support during the event. And while the boys didn’t win this time, they did promise Cyndy a road trip of her own to fabulous Las Vegas the day they do qualify for the APA’s biggest stage. Hold them to that promise Cyndy!
Thanks to all the Coastal Carolina APA players for allowing APA to snap a few pictures on league night, and good luck during the remainder of Spring Session 2010!

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