Pool DVDs can really add an extra dimension to the learning experience. Unlike books, you can see and hear an actual live person giving instruction and demonstrating aspects of pool and billiards playing.
These videos are a great way to learn and can be invaluable in clearing up misconceptions and answering questions about the complicated parts of pool and billiards.
Take a look at the following offerings and see which ones can help you get to the top of your game in record time.
Pool For Beginners has teamed up with Tim "The Monk" Miller of Monk Billiard Academy to promote his line of instructional books and DVDs. The Monk has been teaching this game for many, many years, and he has helped thousands of folks just like you advance their pool skills to the highest levels.
Tim "The Monk" Miller's DVDs. These are not just downloadable video files. These are genuine DVDs that are delivered right to your door.
DVD Titles include-
Bring Your Game To Its Highest Level
Cue Ball Speed
The Four Strokes of Pool Vol. 1&2
Mastering Self
Foundations For Kicking and Banking Vol. 1,2&3
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